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Free adobe master collection cc download (Windows).Adobe Education Exchange1. Getting Around Flash - Flash CS6: The Missing Manual [Book]
Adobe Flash Professional CS6 is one of the flash design tool that you can download to create animations and applications. This free trial will permit you to produce content for web, smartphones and digital platforms. The program has been simplified in appearance and menu organization to compose it suitable for both novice and experienced users.
It will integrate with other Adobe programs, like Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver for design purposes and multiple SDKs for games and app development. This grants for performing complementary tasks, making the experience richer. Nevertheless, CS6 comes with great and strong features.
This program works with the drag and drop technique for image insertion and now, the pasteboard is unlimited; you can extend your working area as much as you want. Equivalently, you will be able to preview you designs instantly although you are drawing them. With the Text Layout Framework you can use several templates of professional typographies keeping the layout untouched when importing content.
Thanks to the motion editor you can play with the parameters of the frames to change its size, rotation, position, etc. In the Effects category you can find the Deco tool, used to add motion to natural objects such as clouds or trees.
Moreover, there is the possibility of turning 2D objects into 3D ones. Adobe Flash is one of the leading development tools for creating animated and interactive content for the web. Designs and animations can be created to deliver high-impact content beyond all browsers and platforms, providing users with an impressive web experience.
Adobe Flash is still the leading plan to create animations, games and presentations that can be viewed on any computer and countless mobile devices. Adobe Flash Professional CS6 software is a powerful authoring environment, for creating animation and multimedia content. With Adobe Flash Professional CS6 users will be able to create multimedia animated images and video sequences with high quality outputs, compatible with any device are it digital, web or mobile.
In this new version, Flash has been improved in regards to the animation and programming libraries. This training course covers all basic and advance concepts such as adding references, setting up DI container and starting with the application, preparing database, displaying list of products, adding pagination and styling etc.
Students will learn what they essential to know to create engaging interactive content with Flash CS6. This course covers game development workflow and delivers apps with a prepackaged Adobe AIR captive runtime for better user experience.
Also learn about the new, strong, and intuitive tools and integrated support for reaching audiences across devices which run on Android and iOS platforms. The student gains an understanding of the tools so they can continue along any path that is animation, gaming, application and mobile development, or working with premium video solutions.
To get good knowledge of adobe flash CS6. This course contains over 67 lectures and 9 hours of content. Students can learn to create animations, games, presentations which can be viewed on any computer and countless mobile devices. You will also learn how to work within the application to create impressive visuals for interactive animations, website interfaces and streaming online videos with usable controls.
Some course objectives are as like drawing and Color Tool Basics, creating and editing symbols, learning the basics of symbols and the flash library, working with sound and video, writing a custom class etc. After completion the course, a participant can fluently work on adobe flash that means you can create professional animations, design interactive websites etc. Flash developers who are interested to learn adobe flash professional CS6.
New developers who are interested to learn adobe Flash. Multimedia producers or developers who are interested in how Flash can be used to share their audio and video projects across the web. All programmers who want to build web application by using flash.
Students who want to learn Flash from scratch All developers Beginning users who are interested in creating interactive projects and animations for the web. Mobile developers who are looking to get started with Flash as a idea to create apps for iOS and Android.
Flash shows you the animation on the stage, surrounded by the usual timeline, toolbars, and panels. After you open the exercise in Flash, your screen should look like this. At the bottom, the timeline shows two layers—one named background and the other, wheel. The stage shows surprise, surprise a background and a wheel. To the right, the Properties panel displays the properties for the document.
The Properties panel appears docked to the right side of the stage when you open a new document. As shown in Figure , it shows the Property settings for objects.
Initially, it shows the properties for the Flash document itself. Click another object, such as the wheel, and you see its properties. Why are properties so important? They give you an extremely accurate description of objects. If you need to precisely define a color or the dimensions of an object, the Properties panel is the tool to use. It not only reports the details, but it also gives you the tools to make changes, as shown in this little exercise:.
At the top of the Tools panel, click the Selection tool solid arrow. The Properties panel shows the properties for your Flash document. Left: When you first open a document, the Properties panel shows property settings for the document. Right: Select the wheel in the document, and you see its properties.
Click the triangle buttons to expand and collapse the subpanels. Click the triangle button to open the Properties subpanel. The button works like a toggle to open and close the subpanel. The background color of the stage changes to the color you chose. Information about the wheel fills the Properties panel.
The wheel is a special type of object called a Movie Clip symbol. For more details on locking layers, see Locking and Unlocking Layers. But you can resize the stage at any time. With the Selection tool, click on a blank area of the stage to make sure nothing on the stage is selected.
In the Properties panel, open the Properties subpanel, and then click the Edit button. The Document Settings window appears, as shown in Figure At the top of the window are boxes labeled Dimensions. The Document Settings dialog box puts several related settings in one place. You can change both the width and the height. Undo works like it does in most programs, undoing your last action, and you can press it multiple times to work your way back through your recent actions.
When your Flash project gets big or complicated, you may want to focus on just a portion of the stage. In the Tools panel, click the Zoom tool, which looks like a magnifying glass Figure Click any spot you want to zoom in on, and you get a closer view. As an alternative, you can click and drag over an area to zoom in with more precision. As you drag, a rectangle appears to mark the area of interest.
Choose the Zoom tool and then click the stage to zoom in on your Flash document. Hold the Alt Option key down to zoom out. Using the Zoom tool, you can get so close that you see individual pixels in your artwork.
Very handy for some operations. Even easier, choose the Hand tool H and then click and drag the stage within the viewing area. Want to zoom out? Hold down the Alt Option key as you use the Zoom tool. Each time you click, you see more and more of the stage. Directly above the stage is the Edit bar. A menu on the Edit bar sets the Magnification or Zoom property as a percentage, as shown in Figure The Magnification menu in the Edit bar gives you a quick readout on the Zoom factor. Enough studying panels and tools—Flash is an animation program.
With the Selection tool V , drag the wheel to the top of the stage. A floating panel appears, as shown in Figure Motion Presets are covered in detail on Applying Motion Presets , but for this exercise, you just need a couple of basic steps. At the top of the panel, the preview window gives you an idea of how the bounce-smoosh preset works.
A green line appears hanging from the bottom of the wheel. This line is called the motion path , and it shows you how the wheel will move over the course of the animation. Tween is an animation term that comes from all those in-between frames that animators have to draw to create a smooth animated motion.
The Motion Presets window has two folders. The one called Default Presets shown open here holds presets designed by Adobe. The other folder holds presets that you design and save.
Close the Motion Presets panel. You can always bring it back later if you want to try out some of the other presets on the wheel. Just press Enter Return , and your animation bounces and smooshes as advertised. In the timeline, notice how the playhead moves along frame by frame as your animation plays. You can see your animation at all the different stages by dragging the playhead up and down the timeline—a process sometimes called scrubbing.
New in Flash CS6, the animation controller is fixed to the bottom of the timeline Figure You can move one frame at a time or jump to the beginning or end of an animation. Saving your work frequently is important in any program, and Flash is no exception. Both maneuvers save the animation with the current name.
A standard window opens where you can choose a folder and give your document a name. When you use Save As, you end up with two documents, the original and one saved with the new name.
The newly named document is the one that remains open in the Flash workspace. Choose Save to save your work and close the document. Flash Professional CS6 provides a new life-saving feature for files. When you create a new document you can turn on Auto-Save.
This feature saves your document periodically even if you forget. You even get to choose the period. Initially, the Auto-Save period is set to every 10 minutes. To change that, click the number and type a new value. This first chapter introduced some important basics to help you get started working in Flash.
So download some of the animations from www. Open them in Flash, and then disassemble them. Alter the artwork. Mess with the tweens. Add new parts. You can always make copies or download the originals again. For a start, why not go back and check out how some of the other motion tweens work with that wheel? Skip to main content. Start your free trial. Chapter 1. Getting Around Flash.
Starting Flash. Note If Flash seems to take forever to open—or if the Flash desktop ignores your mouse clicks or responds sluggishly—you may not have enough memory installed on your computer. Tip The options for creating new Flash documents and opening recent documents also appear on the File menu, as shown in Figure Note Old programming pros—you know who you are—may have reasons to prefer ActionScript 2.
A Tour of the Flash Workspace. Start Flash. Tip As you work on a project, the History panel keeps track of all your commands, operations, and changes. Menu Bar. The Stage. Note The stage always starts out with a white background, which becomes the background color for your animation. The Timeline. Tip The first time you run Flash, the timeline appears automatically, but occasionally you want to hide the timeline—perhaps to reduce screen clutter while you concentrate on your artwork.
Panels and Toolbars. Floating A docked toolbar or panel appears attached to some part of the workspace window, while a floating toolbar or panel is one you can reposition by dragging. Note When you reposition a floating toolbar, Flash remembers where you put it. Note The Edit bar is a little different from the other toolbars in that it remains fixed to the stage. Tools Panel. Selection and Drawing Tools. View Tools. Color Tools. Options Tools. Properties Panel. Properties Subpanels. Library Panel.
Tip In the upper-right corner of most panels is an Options menu button. Other Flash Panels. Motion Editor none A powerful tool used to create and control animation effects. Common Libraries none When you want to share buttons, classes, or sounds among several different Flash documents, use the common libraries.
Motion Presets none Serves up dozens of predesigned animations. Debug Panels none Additional panels to help you find errors in your ActionScript programs. For more information on accessibility, check out these websites: www. Open a Flash File. Explore the Properties Panel. As an alternative, press V, the keyboard shortcut for the Selection tool.
Click the white part of the stage. Resize the Stage. Zoom In and Out. Make It Move. Click the triangle next to Default Presets. The Default Presets folder opens, showing many predesigned motions. Note Tween is an animation term that comes from all those in-between frames that animators have to draw to create a smooth animated motion. Play an Animation. Save a File. Note Flash Professional CS6 provides a new life-saving feature for files.
Get it now. Windows: F9 Mac: Option-F9. Windows: F2 Mac: F2. Accessibility under Other Panels. History under Other Panels. This type of animation is complex yet very accurate and precise. Also, the user should have the knowledge of FPS frame per second term. This term is the measure or the rate of frames that are played in one second.
The default FPS in any document is 24fps. In the above article, we studied the core features of Adobe Flash CS6 professionals in detail. We also learned the fundamentals and basics of creating a proper animation sequence. Having a sound understanding of the program is very important to create a conventional and appropriate animation clip. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more —. By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
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